Friday, August 28, 2020

Adam Went Home pt 4

It's been over two years but I saw that I started writing this blog post and felt that I should finish it:
 I don’t think I could process everything that happened. 
The next day Adam was taken off of the sedative and had the breathing tube removed. It was good. He started responding to his name by opening his eyes. I kept saying his name over and over again because I was so thrilled that he responded, even if he wasn't saying or communicating anything. 
The doctors said they didn't know if he would have any permanent brain damage from everything. At that point I was just glad that Adam was alive and felt that I would be okay if that were the case. He was all confused and delusional when he woke up more. I remember he kept calling the tubes movies. It made me a happy to hear him name something he loved so much. It showed me that Adam was coming back. At one point he asked why there was a monkey in the room and pointed at where he was seeing it. He talked to my mom about how big the sandwich she was eating was. She was definitely not eating a sandwich.
When the doctors tried asking Adam questions by himself later he asked for me rather than mom even though my mom knows Adam's medical history way better than I do. I realized then that I really was his favorite person. He had told me that before but I felt more true then ever. When he was asked who he wanted to stay the night with him he wanted me to. 
Eventually Adam came home. 
Adam is still one of my favorite people. I'm still so grateful that he's alive. I love him so much. 